Comments Posted By Karl Olson
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Rick Moran-

I just noticed your response. In truth, if our governing party were really fulfilling its national leadership responsibilities to set a good example for the rest of us, we wouldn't even need Operation Yellow Elephant at all.

As indicated below, College Republicans and Young Republicans would have spontaneously responded to President Bush's June 28 speech at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, rendering further military recruitment efforts totally unnecessary:

So, with our governing party having had several more months to get its act together, how are thing going? Somehow I think that the next Lynndie England was enlisted in November 2005.

Comment Posted By Karl Olson On 17.12.2005 @ 14:41

Please understand: Not everyone is doing this as a cheap political trick! I am a citizen genuinely concerned about the recruiting issue destroying the great post-9/11 strong support for servicemembers from all Americans.

It's time to encourage military-age supporters of military action to give effect to their words. If they won't, then as Chickenhawks they are fair game.

Young Republicans National Convention, July 6-10 2005, Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas, NV.


Comment Posted By Karl Olson On 27.06.2005 @ 14:06

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